Artist Statement
I make art about the cultural expectations that govern the lives and bodies of women. The duality of hot glass inspires me with its sensuality, unruliness, and inclination to make one hell of a scene. Using molten fire and a robust pallet of pink kitschy materials, I confront viewers with the uncomfortable reality that violence against women’s bodies is a universal experience. Immersive installations, performances and video act as a safely saccharine lens through which to examine the taboos around discussing matrescence, domestic violence and self-determination. I disrupt the patriarchal equivalence of the feminine with the frivolous by making provocatively intense work that drips with both challenge and the color pink. The color of blushing lovers, budding cherries, the perfect cupid’s bow of a baby’s mouth, new life and sunsets and sex, pink is present in the moments of sweetness and silliness that make life worth living.